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2012 Ford Explorer Key Fobs

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Programming Instructions

Programming Instructions for Remote Key Combo

This is for the transponder chip only. You must have two original ford keys

1. Insert the first previously programmed coded keys into the ignition.

2. Turn the ignition from the 1 (LOCK) position to the 3(RUN) position. Keep the ignition in the 3(RUN) position for at least 3 seconds, but no more than 10 seconds.

3. Turn the ignition to the 1 (LOCK) position and remove the first coded key from the ignition.

4. Within 10 seconds of turning the ignition to the 1 (LOCK) position, insert the second previously coded key into the ignition.

5. Turn the ignition from the 1 (LOCK) position to the 3 (RUN) position. Keep the ignition in the 3 (RUN) position for at least 3 seconds, but no more than 10 seconds.

6. Turn the ignition to the 1 (LOCK) position and remove the second coded key from the ignition.

7. Within 20 seconds of turning the ignition to the 1 (LOCK) position and removing the previously programmed coded key, insert the new un-programmed key (new key/valet key) into the ignition.

8. Turn the ignition from the 1 (LOCK) position to the 3 (RUN) position. Keep the ignition in the 3 (RUN) position for at least 6 seconds.

9. Remove the newly programmed coded key from the ignition.

If the new key was not successfully programmed, repeat steps 1-4.
If the remote portion of the remote did not program but the key will start the vehicle, then please perform the remote procedure above to program the remote portion of your remote head key.