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2013 Ford F-150 Key Fobs

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Programming Instructions

Programming Instructions for Remote Key Combo

This is for the transponder chip only. The remote portion must be programmed by a dealer

You must have two original ford keys

1. Insert the first previously programmed coded keys into the ignition.

2. Turn the ignition from the 1 (LOCK) position to the 3(RUN) position. Keep the ignition in the 3(RUN) position for at least 3 seconds, but no more than 10 seconds.

3. Turn the ignition to the 1 (LOCK) position and remove the first coded key from the ignition.

4. Within 10 seconds of turning the ignition to the 1 (LOCK) position, insert the second previously coded key into the ignition.

5. Turn the ignition from the 1 (LOCK) position to the 3 (RUN) position. Keep the ignition in the 3 (RUN) position for at least 3 seconds, but no more than 10 seconds.

6. Turn the ignition to the 1 (LOCK) position and remove the second coded key from the ignition.

7. Within 20 seconds of turning the ignition to the 1 (LOCK) position and removing the previously programmed coded key, insert the new un-programmed key (new key/valet key) into the ignition.

8. Turn the ignition from the 1 (LOCK) position to the 3 (RUN) position. Keep the ignition in the 3 (RUN) position for at least 6 seconds.

9. Remove the newly programmed coded key from the ignition.